The Turkey is a bird that is used in many delicacies. It is a North American bird that is closely associated with Thanksgiving dinners. However, it is also consumed on other occasions. Turkey is generally preferred because it is high in protein and low in fat, as compared to other dark meat. Some common breeds of Turkey are: Narragansett, Bronze, White Holland, and Bourbon Red.
Turkey can be roasted, smoked, deep fried, grilled or microwaved. Turkey can be used for appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches, entrees and more. Dishes rich in proteins yet low in carbohydrates can also be prepared from Turkey. Turkey can be cooked using highly complicated recipes, or it can also be used for preparing some quick and easy dishes. It is very important to follow some guidelines while cooking Turkey. These include: use only cooked ingredients in the stuffing, use only fresh stuffing; stuff the Turkey just before roasting; thaw the Turkey properly, and so on. Selecting the right kind of oil is also important--the oil should have a high smoke point.
Turkey dishes require special seasonings, spices and other ingredients. Bread crumbs, onion, eggs, garlic, ginger, pepper and oil are some of the commonly used ingredients. Some ethnic Turkey dishes are: Turkey tenderloins with black bean and corn salsa, enchilada Turkey soup, smoked Turkey breast ratatouille melt, Turkey satay with spicy peanut sauce, Mediterranean Turkey and eggplant stir-fry, Turkey and oriental noodle salad, Turkey cassoulet, Thai grilled pizza, Turkey scaloppini Portuguese-style, West Indies minced Turkey, spring rolls with Turkey, moo shu Turkey with duck sauce and pancakes, pasteis con Peru, Thai green curry with Turkey and couscous, Turkey Brazilian with white rice, Turkey Kiev, curried tenderloin of Turkey with curried blueberry sauce, Swiss Turkey marsala and others.
Some other delicious Turkey dishes that can be made are: grilled Turkey brat hoagies, Turkey chili, Turkey breast Diane, Turkey enchiladas, garlic roasted Turkey, ginger lime Turkey strips, seasoned Turkey with rice pilaf, Turkey sausage with pasta, Turkey bratwurst kabobs, Turkey lasagna, Turkey meatloaf, Turkey parmesan, Turkey sausage, Turkey scaloppini, stir fried Turkey with walnuts and cashews, grilled southwestern Bratwurst, Turkey pizza, Turkey burgers and so on.
There are also prepared Turkey dishes available. These contain all the stuffing and have to be just taken from the freezer and roasted. There are several Turkey recipes available over the Internet in exclusive websites.
Turkey provides detailed information about turkey, turkey hunting, turkey recipes, deep fried turkey and more. Turkey is the sister site of 1200 Calorie Diabetic Diets.
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